Safety is committed to the highest standard of data safety and patient privacy.

All its products including and comply to all UK data standards and particularly the NHS compliance requirements.

All products have been designed with patient protection at their core including no or limited collection of personal data storage.

Data Protection is fully compliant with the UK Data Protection Act 2018.

Although does not currently process data outside of the UK it remains fully compliant with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We regularly review our data processing and storage methodology to ensure robust and up to date governance.

Clinical Governance

Our products have been developed and tested hand in hand with senior NHS clinicians.

We ensure that our products meet the highest standard of up-to-date clinical pathways based on UK guidelines and where appropriate internationally recognised best practice. Our clinical question sets aim to replicate a senior consultant or equivalent decision maker in their efficiency and safety.

We first developed our Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) in 2018 and this has regularly been updated as our products have evolved to meet new demands. We follow the MHRA recommendations (DCB0129/DCB0160) and our clinical safety officer ensures these standards are maintained.


Privacy policy
Up to date DSP Toolkit
Cyber Essentials Plus

Data collection & storage

Data protection is at the core of our design. Our solutions only collect the minimum required personal data to be able to identify patients and match them with their NHS records.

Once these patients have been verified, any clinical information is disassociated from all patient identifiable data which is instantly deleted.

No personal data is stored beyond the minimum required time to connect to the patient record. This smart method of transient data capture and release further protects patients.

Regular penetration tests score extremely highly ensuring the highest level of data security.


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